Looking for an emergency dentist in Ashgrove? Please read on. In any case of dental emergency it is very important to contact the dentist as soon as possible to try and find out if the situation requires immediate treatment or if it can wait until morning. An emergency trip to the dentist can be required for many reasons including an aching tooth, trauma, a broken tooth or a facial swelling.
In cases of dental trauma, such as if you’ve tripped over and broken your front tooth, treatment is recommended within 60 minutes in case the nerve of the tooth has been exposed. Immediate dental treatment is also needed for teeth that have been pushed out of position, into the gums or knocked out completely. This is a true emergency and immediate treatment can help save your tooth or teeth.
A chipped or broken tooth is often a pain, like when you bite down on a fork by mistake or crunch on a nut and something extra crunchy comes out with it. This tooth or teeth will often need attention within a couple of days if its painful, or within a week if its not painful. Left untreated you can have food packing into the broken area, decay and gum swelling can develop. We can usually fix your tooth right up and prevent all these problems.
An aching tooth can be absolutely awful. It can keep you awake at night, making you tired and just feeling dreadful. Often aching teeth are the result of decay making its way deep into the tooth close to the nerve. This happens over time, and left unchecked can cause nerve pain or even an infection or abscess. The best thing to do is to get your tooth looked at by the dentist within a couple of days. It can be just a filling in some cases, but is usually something more involved and the sooner you get to it the easier it is to fix. To prevent these kinds of aches regular checks and cleans help to prevent cavities or treat them nice and early so its simple and easy.
A facial swelling in the lower face is often an abscess or infection of the gums or tooth that has spread to the cheek. This infection needs to be addressed quickly as the infection can spread beyond the cheeks below the chin and can become life threatening. Your dentist may need to drain the swelling, prescribe antibiotics, remove a tooth or start a root canal treatment to save the tooth.
In cases of dental emergency, don’t wait. Get in contact with the dentist as soon as possible to find out what you need to do. If you need an emergency dentist in Brisbane please click here to book online or call 3366 1737.