General Anaesthetic Procedures

Dr Jodie offers general dental care to anxious adult patients and adult patients with a dental phobia.

She understands that not everyone is able to have their dental treatment done in the chair and this is a great alternative. Dr Jodie offers all general dental treatments; restorations, extraction, scale and clean, crown and bridge work.

She is an accredited visiting dentist at St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital. This allows her to provide general dental services to patients under a general anaesthetic as day surgery patients.

If you’d like to know more or find out if you are a suitable candidate, please book with Dr Jodie for anxious patient consultation.
At this appointment, Dr Jodie will do a comprehensive examination and work with you to develop a treatment plan and provide you will a full cost estimate.

Dental treatment under GA

*Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.